Northport Pipe and Drum was established in 1984. That is a great deal of time to span with members joining, participating, leaving and being part of our musically induced family. We wanted to commemorate some of these members in true Northport fashion with something different. Many times when people leave or move on to a different journey in life there is a feeling of remorse and sadness - In a true manor we would rather celebrate the times and memories that those special individuals have brought us to enjoy. The word Ceiliúradh in Gaelic means celebration in which we embrace the members listed here...
Active Founding Members
John Meade
Teddy Unkel
Bill Howe
Dan Madigan

Retired Members
Don Goeller
Mike Dow
The Pipes Are Calling
Shannon Rose
George Thompson
Frank Riggio
Steve Skrynecki
Bob Howard
Dave Alexander
Chris Raguso
Cindy Wozny

Dear Chris,
Your Northport Pipe and Drum Band misses you so very much! It seems like only yesterday, 2013, that this larger than life, Hulk of a man, burst into our practice hall. You were super motivated to learn the art of percussion and become a member of our band. Instantly you energized the student groups with your youthful enthusiasm and relentless will to learn, and fast you did my brother.
When instruction wasn’t moving as quickly as you were absorbing it, you immediately found other sources which only aided you in learning faster. Your desire for more practice often found you at the home of our drum sergeant, Matt, which quickly turned into 50 % practice, 25 % craft beer drinking, and 25% video gaming.
Chris, your motivation was infectious to not only the students, but our entire band as we all tried to keep up with you. We miss your smile, your long and sometimes uncomfortable hugs. We miss your ability to make everyone feel like they were you best friend. We miss proudly marching down the street, guided by your presence and perfect beat.
Today our little band has grown to over 40 members. All of our members wear a kilt pin in memory you, which is now part of our uniform. Every new member that joins, learns the countless stories of the amazing friend, drummer and most importantly a brave American serviceman who sacrificed all, so others may live.
Till we meet again